China's automotive market

Since China became the World’s main auto market in 2010, but also the most competitive, the country’s vehicles manufacturing industry has engaged in major evolutions including both restructuring and race toward new technologies

With 25.7 million vehicles in 2019, China accounted for 28% of the global Auto market.

Whereas 61% of these vehicles were produced under foreign brands, over 30 Chinese automakers have noticeable activity, wether through joint-ventures or own brand production. And they are joined by a growing number of start-ups, aiming mainly at the new fields of EVs (Electric Vehicles) and ICVs (Internet Connected Vehicles).

An unavoidable restructuring will thus go along the race to new technologies that begins to concretize, with the million BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles) sales mark passed in 20219.

DCA Chine Analyse covers daily evolutions of that sector, as illustrated by some exemples taken from The China Industrial Monitor

Autonomous Vehicles
Corporate Restructuring
Electric Vehicles
Regional Development
Smart Vehicles
Thermal Vehicles