DCA Chine Analyse is an Intelligence firm specialized on the Corporate and Political environment of China’s industry.

It is dedicated to helping strategic decision making of foreign firms working in the Chinese market, or in third markets involving Chinese partners or competitors


As China’s air transport market is set to become the World’s Number 1 by 2022, all components of the country’s aerospace industry are engaged in a huge development, concerning all segments of Commercial Aviation, but also related fields running from General Aviation to Space Industry


Since China became the World’s main auto market in 2010, but also the most competitive, the country’s vehicles manufacturing industry has engaged in major evolutions including both restructuring and race toward new technologies, led by Electric and Connected Vehicles


China is engaged in a large-scale energy transition, aiming at both optimization of traditional power sources, from coal to traditional and alternate oil and gas, and development of all new sources, including hydropower, wind, solar and nuclear, as well as smart grids


China, after gaining proeminence in many low-tech industries, now aims at taking first ranks at the hight-tech end of fields running from rolling stock to shipbuilding, and in value-added sectors with decisive roles for the future of manufacturing, from electronics to robotics through materials


China’s industrial development has been based on the support of Finance and Logistics systems tailored for the strategic objectives of the country, and still engaged in a race guided by both scale and modernization

China's regions

In Continent-sized China, Regions (Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Autonomous Municipalities), with demographics ad economics comparable to those of European countries or US States, are a decisive level for economic policy deployment. From Anhui To Zhejiang